
Every time someone says "DNS Report" is a social...

Okay, so I'm bored at work...what else is new? So since no one is around and I have not shit to do but still a few hours to put in I decided to play drinking games!

No, not like that, silly...like this:

You are an insane drunk

You tend to lose all inhibitions when you are drunk and just go with the flow. You are highly entertaining to all of your friends, with all of your crazy antics.


Your sex life mostly resembles a Martini. You are suave, sophisticated and just a little kinky. You have an active sex life, but you only recruit the best to be your sex partners.

You would be too drunk to even realize who you are.
You would think it's funny and laugh at almost
everything that's said to you or done. Your
friends may find it funny and pull a prank on
you like maybe place a tattoo that says
"loser" on the back of your neck.
You're the type of person who's wild and crazy
and likes to have, what you call, a good time.
Have fun, but be careful though.
If You Were to Get Drunk, What Kind of Drunk Would You Be?

What Kind of Drunk Are You?

?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ??

You Are a Martini
There's no other way to say it: you're a total lush.
You hold your liquor well, and you hold a lot of it!
What Mixed Drink Are You?

What kind of drunk are you?

Sloppy Drunk

You are a liability in public places, because you tend to elbow glasses, knock into wobbly tables and back into waitresses holding full pitchers. You probably wake up in the mornings wondering where you got all those bruises. You're embarrassing, but amusing to watch as well.

Personality Test Results

Sidenote: I think the one above was dead on. At least I don't mind being laughed at by my friends (or strangers)!

Okay, that's twenty minutes of my life that I'll never get back. I'm breakin' out of this joint folks.
G'nite kiddies
Mama loves.

emmalene at 15:26

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